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Accenture offers its global clientele business process and technology consulting, as well as outsourced technology services across a wide variety of industries. Today, Accenture is the world's largest management and technology consulting firm.


Accenture directed the training effort of a J.D. Edwards One World (Oracle) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software implementation for a leading international producer and marketer of beverage and alcohol brands. Part of the training effort included a facility located in Québec, Canada. Incorporating the ERP system across a wide variety of functional areas meant that Accenture would need to have the 170,000+ words of training material translated into French-Canadian.

At launch, Accenture needed 106,000 of the words to be translated in less than three weeks in order to meet their schedule for company-wide ERP training. The remaining 64,000+ words would need to be translated less than two weeks after the initial launch was completed.

The documentation is now available as an historical legacy to the training effort and will be used to train future users.


Accenture partnered with Translations.com to address their challenges.

Translations.com identified the project timelines and prioritized content delivery with Accenture based upon their rigorous training schedule.

Next, Translations.com coordinated a team of linguists for the translations, and assembled editing and proofreading teams experienced with ERP terminology to ensure that all translations were consistent and accurate.

With a French-Canadian version paralleling the English, Accenture was able to meet their deadline by proceeding with the training for all French-Canadian employees who would be using the newly implemented ERP software.

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