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Translations.com Provides Language, Technology Solutions to Support ADAY.ORG Project on May 15, 2012

The Expressions of Humankind Foundation Challenges People Worldwide to Capture and Share their Lives for a Single Day on ADAY.org

NEW YORK, May 14, 2012 - Translations.com, the world’s largest privately held provider of language services and translation-related technologies, today announced a partnership with the Expressions of Humankind Foundation to localize its ADAY.org campaign website. 

Expressions of Humankind is a Swedish-based non-profit organization that aims to inspire creative reflections on humanity through photography and the written word. The ADAY.org campaign challenges people from around the world to capture their lives on a single day – May 15, 2012 – and submit their photographs to ADAY.org where they will be compiled and displayed in a unique online experience. Some of the submissions will be selected for a photographic book, “A Day In the World,” while others will be displayed in exhibitions. 

Translations.com implemented its GlobalLink® OneLink web localization technology to localize the ADAY.org website into 10 languages (Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Finnish, and Italian) over the course of just three weeks.

”Translations.com’s OneLink technology provided an easy way for us to quickly reach out to broad target groups around the world, so we could achieve our goal of creating an inclusive, global photography project,” said Sander Goudswaard, project director at ADAY.org.

Translations.com Co-CEO Liz Elting said, “It’s a privilege to be able to support ADAY.org’s effort to capture and share the daily lives of people around the world. We look forward to participating in this historic day and to supporting the foundation’s future global outreach.”

About ADAY.org
Aday.org is initiated by the Swedish non-profit foundation Expressions of Humankind. The foundation supports scientific research and education centered around the photographic image and the written word. Their aim is to inspire creative reflections on humanity, by experiencing global perspectives.

Celebrity participants in the project include Virgin boss Richard Branson, former Irish President Mary Robinson, the Swedish singer song writer Robyn and South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who challenges people to “Take this unique opportunity with me, and thousands of others around the world, to create a priceless collection of images, to boost understanding and enhance research and education.”

About Translations.com
With annual revenues of more than $300 million, Translations.com is a leading provider of enterprise localization services and technology solutions. From offices in more than 70 cities on five continents, Translations.com offers a full range of services in 170+ languages to clients worldwide. Translations.com’s GlobalLink® Product Suite is used by more than 1,000 global organizations, including Hilton Worldwide, IKEA, Polo Ralph Lauren, Skype, and UPS. Translations.com is part of the TransPerfect family of companies, with global headquarters in New York and regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit www.translations.com.