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TransPerfect Employees Band Together to Help Stomp Out Global Poverty and Hunger with Massive Showing at Oxfam's Annual Trailwalker Event


Over 80 TransPerfect Employees Gathered in Girona, Spain for the 100-Kilometer Run/Walk Event and Raised over €60,000 for Oxfam to Assist Families in Need

Girona, Spain, April 21, 2017TransPerfect, the world’s largest privately held provider of language services and translation-related technology solutions, is proud to announce that the company's employees showed up in full force in Girona, Spain to join Oxfam's Trailwalker and support its noble cause: to raise money and awareness in the fight to end worldwide poverty and social injustice.

Over 80 members of the TransPerfect family gathered from offices in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, and banded together to walk, run, or serve in a support capacity for 14 teams in the 100-kilometer event. TransPerfect's robust turnout for the event made the New York-based company the #3 corporate supporter of Oxfam Trailwalker by headcount—and the #1 corporate participant among companies headquartered in the United States. All 14 TransPerfect teams placed in the overall top 20 for team fundraising totals, with five teams’ totals making the top 10.

Thanks to the enthusiastic support from families, friends, vendors, clients, and partners, TransPerfect’s Oxfam Trailwalkers individually raised approximately €30,000—for which the company matched the employees’ contributions—thereby doubling the total financial support to over €60,000 for donation directly to Oxfam.

TransPerfect Co-CEO Phil Shawe stated, “I was honored to stand alongside our employees at Oxfam’s Trailwalker in Girona and witness firsthand their undying support and commitment to giving back. I see our team's drive everyday in the work we do for clients—but seeing that same energy, spirit, and commitment put forward toward helping others less fortunate was nothing less than awe-inspiring. I’ve never been more proud of our team's character and resolve.” 

“Seeing such an inspired and excited group of employees involved with this event is proof positive that we have the greatest employees in the world,” added Liz Elting, Co-CEO at TransPerfect. “Oxfam International does incredible work, and we could not be more proud to cheer on our participants and celebrate their tremendous accomplishments as they gave everything they had to raise awareness by donating their time, money, and physical capabilities for such a worthwhile cause.”

About TransPerfect
With annual revenues of more than $540 million, TransPerfectis the world's largest privately held provider of language services and technology solutions. From offices in over 90 cities on six continents, TransPerfect offers a full range of services in 170+ languages to clients worldwide. More than 4,000 global organizations employ TransPerfect’s GlobalLink®Product Suite to simplify management of multilingual content. With an unparalleled commitment to quality and client service, TransPerfect is fully ISO 9001and ISO 17100certified. TransPerfect has global headquarters in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our website at www.transperfect.com.